We treat with care and quality

Treatment of tooth canals

Make an appointment for appointment

You can make an appointment with a doctor by filling out the
form or by phone.
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Need urgent help

If you are in pain and cannot wait, call:
+370 626 68879


Acute toothache, especially at night, often cannot be drowned out even with strong painkillers.

Reaction to mechanical influences, cold and hot temperatures

Presence of large cavities

Pathological abrasion

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the pulp or nerve of a tooth. It is also called a complication of caries.

We use a microscope to assess the quality of channels

Use of modern equipment

In our clinic, a microscope is used for root canal treatment - due to the presence of special magnifying glasses, the doctor is able to better examine the condition of the tissues inside the tooth, to conduct a better cleaning of the canals, especially narrow and curved ones.

This ensures that no foci of inflammation remain under the filling, which can lead to the destruction of the tooth from the inside and the transfer of infection to the tissues around the tooth root.

Лечение каналов зуба

Pros of the microscope in root canal treatment

Лечение каналов зубов с использованием микроскопа


High-precision diagnostics

Lesions are visible in the earliest stages.


Diagnosis without x-ray

No additional pictures required.


Gentle treatment

Healthy tissues are preserved to the maximum


Quality processing

Hard-to-reach areas, micro gaps and roughness that require attention are clearly visible.


Treatment of complications

The microscope allows you to detect and remove broken instruments, restore the perforated walls of the dental canals.


Chance for "hopeless" teeth

Preservation of teeth doomed to extraction.

Preserving living tissues

We use endotips, which, in combination with a microscope, allow only the affected tissues to be removed.

We give guarantees

We are responsible for our work.

Appointment to the doctor


You can make an appointment with a doctor by filling out and submitting the contact form. Our administrator will contact you to clarify the time of reception.
Or you can call:

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Fill all necessary fields!

Appointment to the doctor


You can make an appointment with a doctor by filling out and submitting the contact form. Our administrator will contact you to clarify the time of reception.
Or you can call:

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Please fill the required field.


Gervių klinika, UAB

Code : 302666203

VAT code: LT100011440310


Vilnius, LT-03116


Bank details

SEB bank

Bank code: 70440

LT35 7044 0600 0772 9204


Vilnius Dental Clinic