Dental prosthetics
Crowns from zirconium dioxide
Zirconium dioxide is a strong and durable material, which in its appearance is practically indistinguishable from the enamel of healthy teeth. Compared to porcelain-fused-to-metal, zirconia crowns look much more natural, which is very special when it is necessary to close a defect in the area of incisors or canines.
Benefits of zirconia crowns
Zirconium is the most biocompatible and hypoallergenic material used in prosthetics. Not a single case of rejection or negative reactions from the body during its use has been registered.
In addition, often zirconium crowns are perceived by the human body as bone tissue, since their physical and chemical properties are very similar.
Minimum Thickness
The thickness of zirconium crowns is from 0.3 to 0.4 mm (for comparison: for metal-ceramic crowns - from 1.5 to 2 mm), which means that the doctor grinds the tooth only a little to install them. In this case, the risk of developing inflammatory processes is minimized.
Zirconium oxide crowns are 30 times stronger than porcelain. Due to this, they are placed not only on the front, but also on the chewing teeth.
Natural look
Due to the translucency effect, the color of zirconium crowns exactly matches the color of natural enamel, so they look as natural as possible. They are resistant to staining with food coloring, do not change color depending on the lighting. Also, they do not oxidize, do not have darkening in the area between the gum and the tooth, like cermets.
recovery period and dental care
In the first time after installation, increased sensitivity of the teeth may be observed. For this time (1-2 weeks), it is advisable to exclude irritating foods from the diet (too cold or hot, salty, sour, spicy), avoid solid foods (nuts, crackers).
Caring for crowns is similar to caring for ordinary teeth:
Daily cleaning with brush and paste (morning and evening);
Rinsing the mouth after each meal with boiled water or special rinses;
The use of dental floss to clean the gaps;
Regular visits to the dentist to assess the condition (1-2 times a year).
The zirconium crown, thanks to the technology of creation, fits as tightly as possible to the surface of the tooth, which completely eliminates the risk of developing caries.
The list of contraindications is minimal (most of them are temporary): pregnancy, neuropsychiatric disorders, oral infections, bruxism, severe malocclusion.