Healthy teeth are easy

Professional oral hygiene

Comprehensive oral hygiene includes: staining / plaque indication, home hygiene training, selection of products (brushes, pastes, devices for home use, floss). Removal of pigmented plaque using the Air Flow method, removal of hard dental deposits using an ultrasonic scaler, application of gels to strengthen the enamel (fluoridation and remotherapy).

Why do you need a professional teeth cleaning?

Зачем нужна профессиональная чистка зубов?

Professional oral hygiene is a set of procedures that allow you to keep your teeth and gums healthy, as well as reduce the risk of serious dental problems.
Professional teeth cleaning helps:

Remove plaque and tartar from enamel.

Strengthen enamel.

Qualitatively clean installed implants, braces and other structures.

Get a beautiful natural color of teeth and smoothness of enamel.

Remove stains from food coloring or bad habits.

Reduce the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues, as well as caries - by 30-50%.

Provide fresh breath for a long time.

Professional hygiene oral

Comprehensive oral hygiene includes: staining / plaque indication, home hygiene training, selection of products (brushes, pastes, devices for home use, floss). Removal of pigmented plaque using the Air Flow method, removal of hard dental deposits using an ultrasonic scaler, application of gels to strengthen the enamel (fluoridation and remotherapy).

Гигиена полости рта

Cleaning Air Flow

Чистка Air Flow

Air Flow is a device that is used for professional gentle cleaning of teeth from plaque and various deposits (subgingival and tartar, etc.).

The device sprays a mixture of water, air and soda crystals on the teeth under pressure. Various types of deposits are removed not only from the surface of the tooth, but also from the interdental spaces.

This is a safe and painless way of professional cleaning that does not damage the enamel. After its application, the teeth become lighter by 1-2 tones.

Pros and benefits:

Плюсы и преимущества:

Dentures, braces and other orthodontic constructions are completely cleaned, which is impossible to achieve with conventional methods.

The device allows you to maximally clean hard-to-reach subgingival and supragingival areas from calculus and plaque.

The procedure takes about half an hour.

The use of Air Flow does not cause discomfort and pain.

The enamel is lightened by 1-2 tones, pigment spots from drinks are removed.

When polished, the top layer is saturated with fluorine and other useful substances.

Such cleaning helps to remove bad breath (if it is not caused by other diseases).

How often do you need teeth cleaningby the dentist?

Как часто нужна чистка зубов у стоматолога?

As a rule, while maintaining high-quality home hygiene, professional cleaning is recommended for adults at least once every 6 months.

For those who smoke, drink a lot of coffee or do not actively care for their teeth at home - at least 1 time in 3 months.

If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment - 1 time in 3 months.

Appointment to the doctor


You can make an appointment with a doctor by filling out and submitting the contact form. Our administrator will contact you to clarify the time of reception.
Or you can call:

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Appointment to the doctor


You can make an appointment with a doctor by filling out and submitting the contact form. Our administrator will contact you to clarify the time of reception.
Or you can call:

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Vilnius Dental Clinic